Hi, I'm Ludmila Glinskih
I've just received my PhD in Theoretical Computer Science from Boston University
where I worked with Prof. Mark Bun and Prof. Sofya Raskhodnikova.
In July 2024 I joined Privacy Centric Measurements team at Google Ads.
During my PhD studies, I've had multiple research and engineering internships. I conducted research on differentially private algorithms at Tumult Labs (Summer 2023) and Google (Summer 2021, Summer 2022). In the spring semester 2023 I visited Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing where I participated in the Meta-Complexity research program.
Before joining Boston University, I was a graduate researcher at the St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics RAS and got MSc in TCS from St. Petersburg Academic University RAS.
Here is my CV and a short presentation about my research interests.
My email: lglinskih@gmail.com.
Ludmila Glinskih and Artur Riazanov.
Partial Minimum Branching Program Size Problem is ETH-hard.
LIPIcs, ECCC, arXiv, video, slides
Ludmila Glinskih.
Circuits and Branching Programs in Meta-Complexity.
PhD Dissertation.
Ludmila Glinskih and Artur Riazanov.
MCSP is Hard for Read-Once Nondeterministic Branching Programs.
slides, poster
Mark Bun, Marco Gaboardi, and Ludmila Glinskih.
The Complexity of Verifying Boolean Programs as Differentially Private.
arXiv, slides
Ludmila Glinskih and Dmitry Itsykson.
On Tseitin Formulas, Read-Once Branching Programs and Treewidth.
CSR'19, Best Paper Award.
Theory of Computing Systems 65(3): 613-633, 2021.
ECCC, slides, poster
Ludmila Glinskih and Dmitry Itsykson.
Satisfiable Tseitin Formulas Are Hard for Nondeterministic Read-Once Branching Programs.
LIPIcs, slides